Darth Brutus added 1 item to Book Diary 2021 list
It seems short stories aren't my cup of tea, even if they're written by Ernest Hemingway. Aside from maybe three or four stories most of them felt like leftovers with no real deeper meaning or even ending. They kinda just began and then
4 years ago
Darth Brutus added 1 item to My Favourite Books list
This book I just ate up. It's so damn good and for a scifi novel also very surprising and even poetic.
4 years ago
Darth Brutus added 8 items to their collection
4 years ago
Darth Brutus added 1 item to Book Diary 2021 list
This is something of a great Japanese classic, but as a foreign reader I felt like I missed a lot of more culture sensitive stuff only Japanese readers could possibly get. This is why the story of WWII-era rich women just didn't light my fire,.
4 years ago
Darth Brutus added 1 item to Book Diary 2021 list
Much better than some of the previous works of Dick. This time the story is about a planet of lunatics, a moon ruled by clans of madmen banished from Earth. The central character is a dude who's wife walks away and loses his mind. If the story was more about the clans than this dude, I would have loved this novel, but I guess Phil K had some personal issues with his wife by this time so he wanted to let off some steam with this one.
4 years ago
Darth Brutus added 12 items to their collection
4 years ago
Darth Brutus added 1 item to Book Diary 2021 list
What the heck was that? I'd call this the worst thing Dick ever wrote, but in all honestly it's not his fault this novel sucks ass. Originally this was only a decent short story, but after the author died somebody found his original shelved ending, so the short story was published as a novel with added in filler to tie in all the scraps of whatever Dick had left behind. Trust me, there is a reason nobody knows this mess.
4 years ago
Darth Brutus voted for a review of Lies, Inc.
“This book is not all Dick. They took his short story, the Unteleported Man and found a lost ending. To make it work they had to create filler. Confusi”
4 years ago
Darth Brutus commented on a list
Book Diary 2021 (96 books items)
"Jeah, I loved those ones. I think the dryness and matter-of-fact mentality is the thing that turns so many people off with this kind of scifi stories. More psychedelic Phil K. stuff is the best, I fin"
4 years ago